ajou d´identités
add alias
add alias("name")
Add the alias file name.ali
add compile
add compile("name")
Adds the functions file and the compiled name.func name.comp.
If yes link is active (default) all functions are compiled.
add func
add func("name")
Adds file functions name.func. If yes compile
is active all functions of this file are compiled and if yes link
is active (default) all functions are linked.
add format
add format(f) name("foo")
Adds the file foo in the format f:
f = 2: shorts
f = 4: long
f = -4: float
f = 8: doubles
add history
add history("name")
Adds the file name.history to the commands stored.
add type
add type("name")
Adds the file types name.type
add var
add var("name")
Adds the variable file name.var
1) read com "nom1,nom2"
Reads the file nom1.com and adds nom2.com content
read func("toto,titi");
read the file toto.func adds titi.func content.
read type1 type2 ... typen "name";
Reads the object types type1, type2, ..., typen generic names "name".
read func var("toto,titi");
reads the file toto.func toto.var and the files titi.func titi.var content.