ajou d´identités
add axis
add axis(x,y,z)vol(id)
Adds (x,y,z) to axis matrix vol(id).
add dila
add dila(x,y,z)vol(id)
Adds (x,y,z) to dila matrix vol(id).
add dilx
add dilx(c)vol(id)
Adds (c) to dilx matrix vol(id).
add dily
add dily(c)vol(id)
Adds (c) to dily matrix vol(id).
add dilz
add dilz(c)vol(id)
Adds (c) to dilz matrix vol(id).
add hom
add hom(c)vol(id)
Ajoute (c) to hom matrix vol(id).
add image
See image add.
add memory
add memory(id)name("nnn")
Builds memory id with the content of fime nnn.mem.
add obj
add obj name("name")
Adds the objects in memory those described in the file name.ext, ext depends on the type of object
(obj can be: fog, field, genetic, light, memory, object, device, network, flight view).
sort: objects are renumbered in the order they are read..
add rota
add rota(a)vol(id)
Adds (a) to rota matrix vol(id).
add rotx
add rotx(a)vol(id)
Adds (a) to rotx matrix vol(id).
add roty
add roty(a)vol(id)
Adds (a) to roty matrix vol(id).
add rotz
add rotz(a)vol(id)
Adds (a) to rotz matrix vol(id).
add tran
add tran(x,y,z)vol(id)
Adds (x,y,z) to tran matrix vol(id).
call to add transf(p)vol(id) must be done in func( F4()
after trajectories execution.
See also