ang axis
ang axis(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)
Returns the angle of the unit axis (x1, y1, z1) and (x2, y2, z2).
ang rota
ang rota vol(id)
Returns the rotation angle of the volumeid about its axis.
ang rota vol(id)=an
Change this angle.
1) axis(x,y,z)matrix vol(id) change the axis of rotation.
2) In dynamic animation commands speed rota vol,
acc rota vol, force rota vol,
limit speed rota vol and
limit acc rota vol allow to control the movements of a volume.
ang mouse
Returns the angle of the vectors defined by three consecutive inputs of mouse.
dist: returns the minimum distance of input (initialized to 5).
dist(d): redefined this distance.
average(m): defined a buffer storage m floats angles.
average: returns the average angle.
average(0): inhibits the calculation of the average.
mouse(s): set the mouse mode (s = 0 by default).
ang vol
ang("x") vol(id1,id2)
Returns the angle of the axes x volumes id1 and id2.
ang("y") vol(id1,id2)
Returns the angle of the axes y volumes id1 and id2.
ang("z") vol(id1,id2)
Returns the angle of the axes z volumes id1 and id2.
Volumes id1 and id2 must have axes (see generate axis vol).
ang("x") vol(id) axis(x,y,z)
Returns the angle of the axis x of the volume idwith the axis (x, y, z).
ang("y") vol(id) axis(x,y,z)
Returns the angle of the axis y of the volume idwith the axis (x, y, z).
ang("z") vol(id) axis(x,y,z)
Returns the angle of the axis z of the volume idwith the axis (x, y, z).
Volume id must have axes (see generate axis vol).