
line_line      line_limit
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        Returns the clipping window in the x and y (the default current window).


        Change this window.

clip line line

clip line(L1) line(L2)

        Returns the 3D line L1 clipped by the 3D L2. Notes:
1) The two lines L1 and L2 must be coplanar and same orientation.
2) The line L1 must have at least one vertex inside the line L2 .
3) The two lines should have enough points.
ext(e1) ext(e2): allows extend the line L1 and L2 if they do not satisfy the third property.
coe(c1,...) coe(c2,...): allows to assign coefficients of curvature at vertices of lines L1 and L2 .
ang(an): eliminates points aligned near an (an = 0 by default).

clip line line

clip line(L1) limit(L2)

        Returns the line L1 clipped by the window L2.
Si L2=x1,x2: all values of L1 will be limited to the interval [x1, x2].
Si L2=x1,y1,x2,y2: all values of L1 will be limited to the interval [x1,y1]*[y1,x2].
Si L2=x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2: all values of L1 will be limited to the interval [x1,y1,z1]*[y1,x2,z2].

clip vol

clip vol(id)

        Returns paramater ´clip´ of volume id.

clip vol(id)=c

        Change this parameter:
c = 0: inhibits the clipping of volume id.
sinon: active clipping of volume id.
c = 1: the bounding box will be clipped exactly (by default).
c = 2: the clipping will be a box twice as large.

See also:

no clip
yes clip