Voir aussi
Returns the clipping window in the x and y (the default current window).
Change this window.
clip line line
clip line(L1) line(L2)
Returns the 3D line L1 clipped by the 3D L2.
1) The two lines L1 and L2 must be coplanar and same orientation.
2) The line L1 must have at least one vertex inside the line L2 .
3) The two lines should have enough points.
ext(e1) ext(e2): allows extend the line L1 and L2 if they do not satisfy the third property.
coe(c1,...) coe(c2,...): allows to assign coefficients of curvature at vertices of lines L1 and L2 .
ang(an): eliminates points aligned near an (an = 0 by default).
clip line line
clip line(L1) limit(L2)
Returns the line L1 clipped by the window L2.
Si L2=x1,x2: all values of L1 will be limited to the interval [x1, x2].
Si L2=x1,y1,x2,y2: all values of L1 will be limited to the interval [x1,y1]*[y1,x2].
Si L2=x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2: all values of L1 will be limited to the interval [x1,y1,z1]*[y1,x2,z2].
clip vol
clip vol(id)
Returns paramater ´clip´ of volume id.
clip vol(id)=c
Change this parameter:
c = 0: inhibits the clipping of volume id.
sinon: active clipping of volume id.
c = 1: the bounding box will be clipped exactly (by default).
c = 2: the clipping will be a box twice as large.
See also: