

animate      audio      audio(id)
field      force
illum      image
law      light
network      normal
speed      speed vertex
transf      transp
vertex      vol
See alos



        Returns the current coefficient (cx,cy,cz).


        Change the coefficient.

coe animate

Returns (im-1)/(ni-1), with:
        im = image number of animation.
        ni = total number of images of the sequence.
coe animate returns un number of [0,1] (0: first 1image, 1: last image).

coe audio

coe audio

        Returns s,c,t.

coe audio=s,c,t

        Sets the multiplier s of audio signal, and translation t of max audio and module audio.

coe audio image(id)

Returns the property coe audio of image id.

coe audio image(id)=c

Changes this property.
if audio win(nb)image(id)dim(d) has been invoked, frequencies are multplied by c.

coe field

coe field(id)

        Returns coe of field id.

coe field(id)=c,v

A force vector depending of the type of the field and viscosity v is applied to volumes conjcerned.

coe collision

coe collision vol

coe collision vol(id)

       Returns the coefficients collision of volume id.

coe collision vol(id)=c1,c2,c3

       Change these coefficients.
In dynamic animation si le volume id a une propriété collision:
       c1=distance detection (between 0 and 1): 1 by default.
       c2=distance to the obstacle (between 0 and 1): 1 by default.
       c3=coefficient of rebound (0: adherence, 1: rebound): 1 par défaut

coe illum

coe light(id)

        Returns the exponential coefficient of light id.

coe light(id)=c

        Changes this coefficient (between 0 and 100).

coe illum light(id)

        Returns the coefficient of noise effects of the color of the light id.

coe illum light(id)=c

        Change this coefficient.

coe ext

coe ext vol(id)

        Returns the noise coefficient of extension of volume id.

coe ext vol(id)=c

        Change this coefficient (between 0 and 1)

coe win

coe win

        Returns multipliers cx and cy of display (1.1 by default).

coe win(cx,cy)

        Change these coefficients.

coe force

coe force rota vol(id)

        Returns the moment of inertia of volume id.

coe force rota vol(id)=v

        Change this moment (default 0.5).

coe image

See image coe.

coe law

coe law light(id)

        Returns the noise coefficient of the law of light id.

coe law light(id)=c

        Change this coefficient.
if c != 0 (between 0 and 1), the variation of illumination of the light id is of a random amplitude c (PHONG).

coe light

coe light(id)

        Returns the coefficients (c1, c2, c3) for attenuating the light id depending on the distance of the illuminated point to the light.

coe light(id)=c1,c2,c3

        Change these coefficients:
c1 = constant.
c2 = linear.
c1 = quadratic.
If d is the distance of the illuminated point to the light id is multiplied by the reciprocal of:
        c1 + c2 * d + c3 * d * d

coe module

coe module vol(id)

        Returns property coe module of volume id.

coe module vol(id)=c

        Change this property.
Note: For a volume with a property audio module, audio speed module, audio acc module allows set a particular multiplier for each module of those transformations on a given volume.

coe network

coe network(id)

        Returns the learning constant of neural network id.

coe network(id)=c

        Change this constant which is the correction weight to the algorithm of the error backpropagation.
c1,c2: the constant varie from c1 (large at start) c2 to c2 (small at end).
To control this variation see meta coe network.

coe normal

coe normal vertex(s)vol(id)

        Returns the coefficients of the normal at vertex s of volume id.

coe normal vertex(s) vol(id)=cx,cy,cz

        Change these coefficients.
These coefficients are used to control the module from the normal vertex s.
Useful for the commands:
        displ envelope vol
        frac vol, frac fac vol
        motif vol, motif fac vol
        vertex vol, vertex vertex vol

coe speed


coe speed rota vol(id)

        returns property coe speed rota of volule id.

coe speed rota vol(id)=c

        Changes this property. In dynamic animation, and in interaction speed rota vol(id) will be multiplied by c at the end of a trajectory. Allow absorb movement.
Note: If a volume has a audio transf, audio speed transf, audio acc transf property allows set a particular coefficient for each of this transformations.

coe speed vertex(s)vol(id)

        Returns the coefficients of rebound at vertex s of volume id.

coe speed vertex(s) vol(id)=c,a

        Change these coefficients.

If the volume id is a system of particles, the particle's bounce off obstacles (see collision vol) with a random velocity and c is a damping coefficient, otherwise:
c is a damping coefficient (between 0 and 1).
s is a coefficient of friction (between 0 and 0.01).
If the volumeid has property limit tran vertex the speed s of a vertex reaching its limit becomes -c*s

coe speed vol(id)

        Returns the coefficients of rebound at vertices of volume id.

coe speed vol(id)=c,a

        Change these coefficients.
If the volumeid is a system of particles, the particles bounce off obstacles with a random speed with c as a damping coefficient, otherwise:
c is a damping coefficient (between 0 and 1).
s is a coefficient of friction (between 0 and 0.01).

coe transf

coe transf vol(id)

        Returns property coe transf of volume id.

coe transf vol(id)=c

        Change this property.

coe speed transf vol(id)

        Returns property coe speed transf of volume id.

coe speed transf vol(id)=c

        Change this property.

coe acc transf vol(id)

        Returns property coe acc transf of volume id.

coe acc transf vol(id)=c

        Change this property.
Note: For a volume with a property audio transf, audio speed transf, audio acc transf allows set a particular multiplier for each of those transformations on a given volume.

coe transf image(id)

Same syntax as coe transf vol.

coe transp

coe transp texture vol(id)

Returns property coe transp texture of vol id.

coet ransp texture vol(id)=c

Changess this property.
when vol id has propertiues texture and transp texture coefficeint c allows varying transparencies.

coe vertex

coe vertex(s)vol(id)

        Returns the coefficient associated to vertex s of volume id.

coe vertex(s) vol(id)=c

        Change these coefficient.
1) When the volume id is provided with an extension coefficient thereof will be set c at vertex s.
2) Useful for controlling the local curvature of an extension.

coe vol

coe vol(id)

        Returns the property coe of volume id.

coe vol(id)=c

        Change this property.
1) When the volume id is provided with a vertex audio property the audio module is multiplied by c.

See also:

interpol vol vol coe
lut coe