

fac      fog      frame
message      menu
vertex      vol      view
See also


Returns curent color.


        Change this color.


        graduated color between (r1,g1,b1) (center) and (r2,g2,b2) (edge).
1) r, g and b are normalized (between 0.0 et 1.0)
2) scale col allows interactively choose the color.

col alea

col alea brush(id)

Returns random (reproductible) color interval of brush id.

col alea brush(id)=r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2

Change this interval.
The pixels color of brush id will bee randomly (reproductible) choosen between (r1,g1,b1) and (r2,g2,b2).

col fog

col fog(id)

        Returns color of fog id.

col fog(id)=r,v,b

        Change this color.

col envelope vol

col envelope vol(id)

        Returns the color of the envelope of volume id.

col envelope vol(id)=r,v,b

        Change this color.

col fac

col fac(f)vol(id)

        Returns the color of facet f of volume id.

col fac(f)vol(id)=r,v,b

        assignes (r,g,b) to the color of facet f of volume id.
Note: the first time, if generate col fac vol(id) has not been done, other facets are set to black.

col frame vol(id)

Returns the color of the frame of the message associated to volume id.

col frame vol(id)=r,g,b

Changes this color.

col image

col image(id)

Returns the (ri,gi,bi) of the image id.
average: returne the average color (ra,ga,ba).

col image(id)=r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2, ...

Changes the color of the image id.

col light

col light(id)

        Returns the color of light id.

col light(id)=r,g,b

        Assignes (r,g,b) to the color of light id.

col menu

col menu("MEN")

Returns the color of texts of menu MEN.

frame menu("MEN")=r,v,b,...

Change this color.

col message

col message(id)

        Returne the color of message id.

col message(id)=r,g,b

        Change this color.

col message vol(id)

        Returne the color of the message of yhe vol id.

col message vol(id)=r,g,b

        Change this color.

col brush

col brush(id)

Returns the color of
brush id.

col brush(id)=r,g,b

Change this color.
col(r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2): color interpolated between (r1, g1, b1) center and edge (r2, g2, b2).

col vertex vol

col vertex(s) vol(id)

        Returns the color of vertex ss of volume id.

col vertex(s) vol(id)=r,g,b

        Assignes (r,g,b) to the color of vertex s of volume id.
Example: col vertex[1,4]vol 1=1,0,0: assignes red at vertices 1,2,3,4 and 5 of volume 1.

col random

col random brush(id)

Returns random (not reproductible) color interval of brush id.

col alea brush(id)=r1,g1,b1, r2,g2,b2

Change this interval.
The pixels color of brush id will bee randomly (not reproductible) choosen between (r1,g1,b1) and (r2,g2,b2).

col see

col see)

        Returns the text color of see.

col see=r,g,b

        Change this color.

col vol

col vol(id)

        Returns the color of volume id.

col vol(id)=r,g,b

        Change this color.
r, g and b are normalized betwwen 0.0 and 1.1
Values >1 saturate colors.
Negative values subtract other components.

col view

col view(id)

        Returns the color of view id.

col view(id)=r,v,b

        Change this color.
When multiple views have been reported, stereoscopic vision is obtained in real time, each view being displayed in its own color.
Practically, just a green view and a red view whose eye values are slightly offset, and looking at the screen with stereo glasses.

See also

generate alea col vertex vol
dim col
scale col
traj col (vertex) vol
hsv col