debug flag
Returns the debug level.
Change this level.
debug(0) is equivalent to no debug.
debug(1) is equivalent to yes debug.
debug(-1) prevents the automatic bracketing (use if you want to force the priorities of operators).
debug ascii
Returns the ASCII code continuation character (27 = escape default).
debug ascii(c)
Change this code.
debug compile
Returns the status of debug compile.
debug compile(v)
change this status:
v=0: inhibits (default).
v=1: the symbolic code of the compilation will be printed after each compilation.
v=2: the detailed code (assembler pseudo) compilation will be printed after each compilation:
Functions are denoted func fff, with fff = function name.
Variables are denoted type vvv, with type =
and vvv = variable name
Line numbers are noted (Ln), with n = number line.
Commands (language and anyflo) and operators are written in plain text.
debug error
Returns the status of debug error.
debug error(v)
change this status:
v=0: no debug (default).
v=1: comment the launching process.
debug exec
Returns the status of debug exec.
debug exec(v)
change this status:
v=1: code execution will be printed for each execution..
v=-1 v all the code after execution instructions will be printed on each execution.
v>1: all the following code of the execution will be printed on each execution.
v=0: inhibits.
debug func
Returns the status of debug func.
debug func(v)
change this status.
v>0: the names of function called are printed.
v=2: the values of formal parameters are printed.
debug link
Returns the status of debug link.
debug link(v)
change this status:
v=1: code link will be printed after each li.
v=2: all the following code of the link will be printed on each link.
v=0: inhibits.
debug system
Returns the status of debug system.
debug system(v)
change this status:
v=1: error messages contain the names of the functions of code anyflo.
v=0: inhibits (default).
See also: