Like all linear transformations that command is in 2 modes:
direct and matrix.
dila audio
dila(1/(max module audio(id)))audio(id);
adjusts the audio id modules between 0 and 1.
dila obj
dila(cx,cy,cz) obj(id)
Dilates the object of (cx, cy, cz) with respect to its center of gravity.
axis(dx,dy,dz): along the plane perpendicular to (dx, dy, dz).
poi(x,y,z): with respect to point (x,y,z).
vertex(s): dilates vertex s.
1) dila(1,1.5,2) vertex[1,5] vol(1,3);
dilates vertices (1,2,3,4,5) of
volumes 1 and 3 of (1,1.5,2) with respect to their center of gravity.
2) dila(1,1.5,2) var("x")poi(100,100,200);
dilates the variable named xx
of (1,1.5,2) with respect to point (100,100,100).
dila image
dila(cr,cv,cb) image(id)
Expands the components (r, g, b) of the image id of ( cr, cv, cb).
dila(cr,cv,cb) back(r1,v1,b1,r2,v2,b2) image(id)
Expands the pixels whose components (r, g, b) are outside the interval [R1, G1, B1] X [r2, v2, b2] of (cr, cv, cb).
law(w): modifies the coefficients according to the law w (luminance). Allows for example to increase the contrast.
1) dila(1,1.5,2) back(0,0,0,.01,.01,.01) image(1);
Dilates bright pixels (r > .01, v > .01, b > .01) for picture number 1.
2) x=arc 1,-PI,-PI/2,12;tran(1)var("x");dily(2)var("x");dila(1,1,1)image law x;
Highlights the most enlightened.
dila matrix
dila matrix vol(id)
Returns the expansion coefficients of the matrix of volume id.
dila(cx,cy,cz)matrix vol(id)
Expands the volume id by modifying its matrix.
ini: addresses the basic processing.