
dimension d´une entité

alea      animate      audio
device      displ
memory      motif      mouse
scale      screen      see      stock
text      texture      traj
Voir aussi

dim displ

Returns the size of the image in memory (display type 2).

dim displ=dimx,dimy

Modifies these dimensions that can be large for treating high definition images.
Note: default these dimensions are set to those of the screen.

dim alea

Returns the random table dimension.
ini alea(dim) allows to change this dimension.
Example: ini alea(100000);

dim animate

dim animate

Returns the total number of images the animation.

dim animate=ni

Changes this number (useful for stock memory animation off)

dim audio

See audio dim.

dim audio(id)

Returns (file size,header size) of object id type audio(id).

dim mouse

Returns the capture sizes dx,dy of the mouse.

dim mouse=(dx,dy)

Sets those sizes.
dim mouse=(dx,dy;a): dotted frame with points size a (1 default).

dim obj

dim obj

Returns the secx, secy and secz of objects type obj except scale and screen.

dim obj abs

Returns the size (long) of objects type object standard.
obj(id): only objects identifier id.

dim col

Returns the maximum value of a color component.

dim poi

dim poi obj(id)

Returns the size of vector type poi of object id type obj.
cube(1);$dim poi vol(1);
prints 3
memory(1)ini(4,6);$dim poi memory(1);
prints 6

dim read

dim read image name("nnn.eee")

Returns the size if image name nnn.eee, without read it (useful for read image cut).

dim scale

dim scale

Returns the size Dy1 = Fonte_y Dy2 and used in such instruction:
Which are respectively Dy1 the height of the frame containing text or scale and Dy2 the minimum distance between the origins of two consecutive frames (advised so they do not overlap).

dim scale local

Returns d, with d [0] = the abscissa of origin of the scale previously displayed and d [1] = ordinate of the next scale to be displayed.
1) Useful for displaying a series of scales which the heights are not known a priori.
2) Before the first lscale displayed: d=0,0.

dim screen

Returns the size in x and y of the window defined by the option anyflo l´option win file xxx.js launching anyflo.
dim graphic returns the maximum size of the graphic window.

dim screen=nx,ny

Changes thsi size (same as graphic(nx,ny)).

dim win

Returns the size of the current window.

dim win(id)

Returns the size of the window id.

dim win(id)=dimx,dimy

Changes the size of the window id.

dim font

dim font

Returns the dimensions x, y, e, d of the current font, with x = width, y = height, e = gap (top and bottom, 2 by default) text with the frame, d = distance between two frames (4 default).

dim font("fff")

Returns the dimensions x, y, e, d of the fonte "fff".

texts and scales calibration

dim font=e,d

Modifies gaps of the frames and the rectangles in which a text appears, and the spacing between two successive scales or texts.

dim font("fff")=dx,dy

Gives the font "fff" dimensions dx and dy (do not change the dimesions characters but only the dimensions of the frames and rectangles in which a text appears).

dim graphic

Returns the maximum dimensions of the graphical window that depend on the machine and the choice of the resolution of the screen. Under Window:
démarer => Control Panel => System Settings => Display => Settings => Screen Resolution.
dim screen returns the size of the graphic window opened by anyflo.

dim image

dim image(id)

Returns the size in x, y and z of the image id, and NIL if the image does not exist.
dim image(0) returns the dimensions x and y of the image 0 (built by generate image).

dim image(id)=nx,ny

Resizes image id (can't change nz).

dim law

dim law network(id)

Returns the size (ny, nx) laws neural network id.
If all laws were not the same size returns all (nx, ny) for all laws.

dim law network(id)=ny,nx

Changes these dimensions.

dim law(num)network(id)

Returns the size (ny, nx) of the law numbernum networkid.

dim law(num)network(id)=nx,ny

Changes these dimensions.
1) Product nx*ny must the same for all laws.
2) dim law(num)network(id)=0: invalidates law number num.
dim law(num)network(id)=1: validates law number num.
2) dim law network(id)=0: invalidates all laws.
dim law network(id)=1: validates all laws.

dim memory

dim memory

Returns number of memories.

dim memory(id)

Returns size of vectors of memory id.

dim motif

dim motif network(id)

Returns the size (ny, nx) of motifs of the id neural network.
If all motifs are not the same size returns all (nx, ny) for all motifs.

dim motif network(id)=ny,nx

Changes these dimensions.

dim motif(num)network(id)

Returns the size (ny, nx) motif numbernum network id.

dim motif(num)network(id)=nx,ny

Changes these dimensions.
1) Product nx*ny must the same for all motifs.
2) dim motif(num)network(id)=0: invalidates motif number num.
dim motif(num)network(id)=1: validates motif number num.
2) dim motif network(id)=0: invalidates all motifs.
dim motif network(id)=1: validates all motifs.

dim device

dim device(id)

Returns the ldimensions of device id.

dim device(id)=dx,dy

Changes the dimensions of device id. If the device id is of type IMA, dimensions of its image are changed.

dim stock

dim stock

Returns the number of stock.

dim stock(id)

Returns the dimensions ofvectors of object stock id.

dim text

dim text(t)

Returns the size of the text t (number of characters in the greatest line, and lines number).
Example of use:
t="text\nsur\n3 lignes\n";p=0,0;d=dim text(t);y=d[1];

Displays a 3 lines text, 6 times one above the other..
dim text(NIL)returns 0,0.

dim texture

Returns (nx,ny) maximum power of 2 less than dim screen

dim traj

dim traj T obj(id)

Returns the number of images of the object trajectoire type T of the object type obj id.
dim traj tran vol(1); returns the length of the trajectory of type tran of volume 1.
dim traj force rota vol(1); returns the length of the trajectory of type force rota of volume 1.
dim traj col vertex(3)vol(1); returns the length of the trajectory of type col. of vertex 3 of volume 1.

dim traj(id)

Returns the number of images of trajectory id
allows to check a completed trajectory (dim = 0).

dim traj(id)=ni

Change this number.
ext(e,c): allows to curve the trajectory.
Note: the property var is modified.

dim see

dim see

Returns the (dx,dy) dimensions of the see window.

dim see=dx,dy

Changes these dimensions.

See also

secx image
secy image