

fopen        func        format
STOP        system
See also



        v = 0; equivalent to no edit
        v = 1: equivalent to yes edit
        v = 2: displays additional information (in case of reallocation, ...).

edit obj(id)

Edits the object type obj. Options:
edit(1): with details.


        Edite evaluating expr as a 3D polyline.
        Si n=3, like edit(expr).
        Otherwise edites expr as vectors of dimension n.


1): edit(arc(100,0,2*PI,5));
1: 100 0 0
2: 0 100 0
3: -100 0 0
4: 0 -100 0
5: 100 0 0 2): edit(arc(100,0,2*PI,5,2))format(2);
1: 100 0
2: 0 100
3: -100 0
4: 0 -100
5: 100 0 3): edit[1,12]format(4);
1: 1 2 3 4
2: 5 6 7 8
3: 9 10 11 12

edit alias

        Edits the current alias.

edit bye

        Prints the bye text.

edit compile

edit compile func("f")

        Edits the compiled code of the function f ().

edit debug

        Print status of:
debug compile
debug error
debug exec
debug link
debug system
debug link

edit fopen

        Prints the files pointers opened by fopen.

edit func

        Prints the names of functions (with their parameters).

edit func("fff")

        Invokes the editor and verify that fff is a legal name function (ie is not a command name).

Using the editor:

        A < (less than) indicates the command mode.
Liste des commandes: (suivies de NL = new line)
        a: add: all characters typed will be stored (after the current line) to a. (dot) as the first character of a line (which returns to command mode).
        b: positions the cursor at the bottom of the file.
        c/chaine1/chaine2: changes the string1 by string2 (/ can be replaced by any other character).
        d: Delete the current line.
        .: end insertion.
        f: end (saving exit).
        i: insert: any characters are stored (before the current line) to a. (dot) as the first character of a line (which returns to command mode).
        h: help: edits the list of commands.
        n: edits line n
        q: exit without saving (a confirmation message is issued if the file has been modified).
        s/string: searching a string and positions the cursor at the beginning of the line.
        a,b: edits lines a ... b
        0: edits the current line.
        -n: moves the cursor n lines before.
        +n: moves the cursor n lines after.
        t: moves the cursor on top of the file.


1) Leaving (control f) the function is compiled and linked with other functions in memory.
2) File functions can be written in any editor not encoding the text (Blocnotes, Wordpad, editor Visual C + +) in the syntax of the language.

edit format


        n > 0: prints 1 as n dimensional vector.         n = 0: print the internal coding of v.


        n > 0: prints v as a tridimensional vector.
Note: edit(v); is equivalent to edit(v)format(3);

edit generate

        Edits vocabularies launch options voc1=voc1and voc2=voc2, or after generate message read("voc1,voc2"))
edit(1): returns text.

edit message

edit message("env",n)

        Edits all messages of environment n.

edit message(id)

        Edits the message id.

edit ring

        Edits the contents of the directory sounds.

edit STOP

        Edits the "break points" of debug.

edit system

       Edits the contents of the stack.
NP system: returns the number of stacked objects.


       Alsoedits the contents of variables stacked.

edit type

        Edits the types.

edit var

        Edits the names of external variables.

edit var func("f")

        Edits the names of variables (formal, automatic and static) of the function f..
edit(1): also edits the values of variables.

See also:

dim edit
ini edit
yes edit
no edit