

anc      attach      audio
interaction      time
mass      matrix      menu      meta      mouse
obj      object
palette      particule      poi      propriete
scale      shadow      sphere      stock      system
texture      texture interpol      traj      type
See also


Allows to edit parameters of a single or multiple command:
Note: edit(1) provides more information, edit(2) avoides datas troncation.
edit poi vol(1); edits points of volume 1.
edit col vertex[1,5] vol(1); edits colors of vertices 1 to 5 of volume 1.
edit exec menu("MEN"); edits (ni,cpti,ni,...) of menu MEN.
edit(1)vol(1); edits all parameters of volume 1.

edit anc

edit anc

Prints anchor trees in the form:
* leader -> follower.
leaves of the tree.
isolated element: -> .
obj: for objects of type for objects of type obj (default vol).
obj(id): only object id.


Returns the string of edit anc.

edit attach

edit attach obj(id)

Edits the attach block properties of the object id (type obj).
Note: Deleted blocks are marked free and can be reused.

edit audio

edit audio

Edits all objects type audio(id).
audio(id): only object id.
edit(1): returns informations instead of editing.

edit displ

edit displ vol

Edits all volumes' real-time properties.
vol(id): only volume id.

edit envelope

Edits all volumes of type envelope.

edit envelope(id)

        Edits envelopes id.

edit fac

edit fac vol(id)

        Edits all facets of the volume id.

edit fac(f)vol(id)

        Edits facet f of volume id.

edit fac frac vol(id)

        Edits all facets of volume id fractal.

edit fac(f)frac vol(id)

        Edits facet f of the volume id fractal.

edit fac generate vol(id)

        Edits all facets of extension of volume id.

edit fac(f)generate vol(id)

        Edits facet f of the volume id extension .
See generate ext vol.

edit win

        Edits all windows.

edit win(id)

Edits window id.

edit interaction


edit interaction ascii

        Edits the interaction ascii.
func: edits the interaction ascii func.
write: edits the interaction ascii write.

edit interaction func

        Edits functions of interaction func
eidt(1): edits texts of functions.

edit interaction meta

        Edits the interaction meta objects.
meta(id): only object id.

edit interaction play

        Edits the (ni,im,per,inc,number) of interaction play.

edit interaction read

edit interaction read image directory:
Edits the parameters of command interaction read.

edit interaction stock

        Edits the interaction stock.

edit interaction write

        Edits the interaction write.

edit interaction time

Shows real time informations for all volumes.

edit interaction time vol(id)

Shows those informations for volume id.

edit local

edit local vol

Éditer local obj(id)
        Edits the names of the local functions of object id (type obj).

edit local(id_loc) obj(id_obj)

        Edits fonction local id_loc of object id_obj.

edit local(id_loc) compile obj(id_obj)

        Edits the compilation of fonction local id_loc of object id_obj.

edit mass network

edit mass network(id)

       Edits the weights of connections (no zero) between neurons of the neural network id.

edit matrix

edit matrix obj(id)

       Edits the 4*4 linear transformations matrix of object type obj and identifier id with options.
Note: this matrix is calculated only when this object is displayed.

edit matrix network(id)

       Edits the matrice of synaptic weights of the neural network id.

edit menu

edit menu

       Edits all menus.

edit menu("nnn")

       Edits the menu named "nnn".
Are edited:
nb = number of the menu items.
rectangle or frame.
name: menu name.
type: types of items.
text: texts appearing in the menu items.
menu: function names (or submenus) called by each item.
help: text displayed when the mouse hovers over the item.
poiu: top left corner position of the menu.
col: text color.

edit meta

edit meta envelope vol(id0)

Edits the properties meta envelope of volume id0. Edits the mouse values.

edit mouse

Edits the mouse values.

edit normal


edit normal fac(num) vol(id)

       Edits the normal of facet num (all by default) of volume id.
anc: edits normal fac anc.
generate: edits normal fac generate.

edit normal vertex(num) vol(id)

       Edits the normal of vertix num (all by default) of volume id.
anc: edits normal vertex anc.
generate: edits normal vertex generate.

edit obj

       Edits all objects (type obj).
edit vol; edits all volumes.

edit obj typ

       Edits all objects obj of type typ.
edit vol cube; edits all cube volumes.

edit obj(id)

       Edits object of identifier id.
edit image(1); edits image 1.
edit image(0); edits image 0 (obtained by generate image).
edit traj vol(1); edits all trajectories of volume 1.
edit traj fac vol(1); edit all facets properties trajectories of volume 1.
edit traj col fac(3)vol(1); edits the color trajectory of facet 3 of volume 1.
traj col fac(3)vol(1); returns the color trajectory of facet 3 of volume 1.

edit object

edit object typ"("t")

Edits all objets of type "t".

edit object(id)typ"("t")

Edits object id of type "t".

edit scale

Edit the scales.
number or name: Edit the numbers, the names and the lock of the scales invoked with the mouse option.

edit shadow

Edit the shadows as:
       volume number: numbers with shadow volumes

edit palette

Edits paramers of the palette:
validate (0: inhibited, 1: active)
poi (x1,y1,x2,y2): window of the palette menu.
col rectangle (rr1,vr1,br1,rr2,vr2,br2).
col frame (rc1,vc1,bc1,rc2,vc2,bc2).
col text (rt,vt,bt).
type brush (disk,rectangle).
illum (0: wired, 1: opaque).
col draw (r1,v1,b1,r2,v2,b2).
radius (rax,ray) precision (6).
transp (t1,t2).
alea (alea1,alea2).
screen (0,1).
func "ff".

edit particle genetic

edit particle genetic(id)

       Edits individuals of genetic id.

edit poi vol

edit poi vol(id)

        Eits the volume id points.

edit poi dup vol(id)

        Edits the copy points of volume 1 (if it was built by transf(p)vol(id)validate)).

edit poi(p) vol(id)

        Edits points numbered p of volume id.

edit poi frac vol(id)

       Edits the fractal points of volume id.

edit poi(p)frac vol(id)

       Edits the numbered p fractal points of volume id.

edit poi generate vol(id)

       Edits the extension points of volume id.

edit poi(p)generate vol(id)

       Edits the numbered p extension points of volume id.
Voir generate ext vol(id).
edit poi(1) vol 1; edits first point of volume 1.
edit poi[1,5] vol 1: edits the first 5 points of volume 1.

edit property type

Edits the properties of object type.
edit coe vertex vol(1): edits the coefficients of the vertices of volume 1.
edit col fac vol 1: edits colors of facets of 1.
edit col fac generate vol 1: editd the colors of factes of extension of volume 1.
edit col vertex vol 1: edits vertices colors of volume 1.
edit col vertex generate vol 1: Edits the colors of the vertices of volume extension 1.
edit period traj(id): edits periods of the periodic trajectory id.
edit period(n1) traj(id): edits n1 periods of the periodic trajectory id.
edit traj vertex vol 1:edits the trajectories of vertices of volume 1.
edit(1)traj vertex vol 1:edits the trajectories of vertices of volume 1 with details.

edit sphere

Edits paramers of sphere.

edit stock

edit stock

Edits all objects type stock.

edit stock(id)

Edits object id type stock.

edit propietet(n1) type

Edits the properties numbered n1 of object type.
edit col fac[1,5] vol 1; edits facets colors 1 to 5 of volume 1.

edit system

Displays the list of commands stacked (as geod).

edit texture

edit texture interpol vol(id)

Edits property interpol texture of volume id.

edit texture validate vol(id)

Edits property texture validate of volume id:

edit texture directory vol(id)

Edits property texture directory of volume id:

edit traj

edit traj

Edits all trajectories.

edit traj(id)

Edits trajectory id.

edit traj obj(id)

Edits all trajectories of object id.

edit traj typ obj(id)

Edits the trajectories of type Publishes the trajectories of type typ (tran, rota, dila, ...) of the object id.
edit traj rota vol(1);
edit traj vertex vol(1);

edit(traj T obj(id))

Edits vector v of the transformation T of object id.
For one parameter (dilx, dily, dilz, hom, rota, rotx, roty, rotz):
       v=x,p,0: x=image number, p=parameter.
For 3 parameters(axis, tran, dila)
For 4 parameters (quaternions)
       v=p, it will then write:
edit(traj quat obj(id))format(4);

edit type

Edits the dynamics;
edit alphabet: edits all alphabets
edit ball: edits balls
edit cube: edits all cubes
edit device: edits all devices
edit types dynamiques: edits all dynamics.
edit envelope: edits all envelopes
edit field: edits all fields
edit fog: edits all fogs
edit frac: edits all volumes with a fractal property.
edit genetic: edits all genetics
edit geod: edits all geodesics
edit image: edits all images
edit lattice: edits all volumes with a treilli property.
edit light: edits all lights
edit menu: edits all menus
edit motif: edits all volumes with a motif property.
edit network: edits all neural networks
edit object: edits all objects
edit prism: edits all prisms
edit rev: edits all volumes of type revolution
edit texture: edits all volumes with a texture property.
edit traj: edits all trajectories
edit vol: edits all volumes
edit view: edits all views

edit type(id)

Edits object id of a given type.
edit fog 1; édite le brouillard de numéro 1.
edit traj [1,5]; edites trajectories number 1 to 5.

edit var

edit var local obj(id)

Edits all locales variables of all functions. of object id (type obj).
edit(1): edits also the variables values.
var("v"): only edits variables named v.
local("loc"): edits only the variables of functions loc.

See also:

no edit
yes edit