Lorsque la commande vol a été empilée:
Builds facet with vertices n1,n2,...,nn
It's not recommanded to close the contour.
fac generate
fac(f) generate vol(id)
returns facet numbered f of volume id extension.
The volume id is assumed to have an extension or a fractal.
To generate such an extension to: generate ext vol(id).
Note: with yes ext (ou en yes frac)
extension is automatically generated each displaying.
fac network
Returns neuron numbers of layer f of neural network id.
neuronal id.
Changes these numbers.
Adds a layer at the neural network id.
The first layer is the input layer (motifs).
The last layer is the output layer (laws).
Other layers are called hidden.
fac secx vol
fac secx(s)vol(id)
Returns the facets numbered of x section numbered s of volume id.
fac secy vol
fac secy(s)vol(id)
Returns the facets numbered of y section numbered s of volume id.
fac secy vol
fac secz(s)vol(id)
Returns the facets numbered of z section numbered s of volume id.
(for a 3D grid).
fac vol