

rota      rotx      roty      rotz
vertex      vol      vol vertex
See also



Builds an empty field id..
CG(id2): central field poi(CG matrix vol(id2), if id2==0 poi(CG matrix vol(vol vertex(v)) for any vertex v of volume id.
coe(c,v): forces are multiplied by c (1 default), their viscosity is v (0 defaut).
dim(3): 3D field (default), dim(2): 2D field.
force(x,y,z,v): uniform field.
poi(x,y,z)coe(c,v): central field.
poi(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2): cylindric field with axis (p1,p2).
poi(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2,x3,y3,z3): planar field with axis (p1,p). and p in plan (p1,p2,p3).
law(v): field inversely proportional to the distance power v.
law(x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2, ...): the force field is function of the distance according to law w.
limit(x1,y1,x2,y2): significant window (defaut -DX/2,-DY2,DX/2,DY2).
secz(3): 3D (default), secz(2): 2D.
Note: to enable the fields do yes field.

central field

If the field has a single point P lines of force are spheres of centerP.
With option radius(r) the field is the sphere center the point and radius r.

field func


Builds the field id runing the anyflo function f(p) returning the force applied at point p.


Builds the field id runing the C function field_utilisateur(field, num, poi, force) returning the force applied at point p with field -> object field id.
coe(c): coeficient.
poi(x,y,z): position.

field image

field image(id1)

Returns the identifier of the field assocoated to image id1.

field image(id1)=id2

Changes this identifier.
Note: the image id1 will be activated by only the field id2.

dila        dilx        dily        dilz
rotx        roty        rotz


Builds the field id1 associated to the image id2.
The value of the field id1 at point (x,y,z) is 2*k-1 where k is the color of the pixel (xi,yi) of the image id2


Builds the field id1, whose forces are tangent to cylinder axis (x,y,z) on image id2.


Builds the cylindrical field id1, axis (x,y,z) on image id2.


Builds the cylindrical field id1 axis (1,0,0) on image id2.


Builds the cylindrical field id1 axis (0,1,0) on image id2.


Builds the cylindrical field id1 axis (0,0,1) on image id2.


Builds the field id1, whose forces are tangent to cylinder axis (1,0,0) on image id2.


Builds the field id1, whose forces are tangent to cylinder axis (0,1,0) on image id2.


Builds the field id1, whose forces are tangent to cylinder axis (0,0,1) on image id2.

The value of the field id1 at point P is f=t*(2*L-1)/d where:
        t = normal to plan (P,axis).
        L = luminance of the pixel
        d = distance(P,axis).
if dim(image) < dim(window): interpolation between the pixels of the image.
do generate image field(id1) whenever the image is modified.


field rota

If the field has two points P1 and P2 lines of forces are circles axis P1->P2.

field rotx

If the field has one point P lines of force are circles Px axis.

field roty

If the field has one point P lines of force are circles Py axis.

field rotz

If the field has one point P lines of force are circles Pz axis.


field(id)image vertex(s)vol(id)


field image vertex(s)vol(id)

        Returns the parameters of the field of image type associated to vertex s of volume id.

field image vertex(s) vol(id)=num,kr,kv,kb,dx,dy,dz

        Changes these parameters.
1) In dynamic animation, if the volume id (or vertices s) is provided with a mass, each of the vertices s undergo a force field direction (dx, dy, dz) and amplitude (kr * r, k * v, kb * b), with (r,v,b) = pixel color of image num.
2) Volume id must be isomorphic to a grid(grid, ball, rev, geod, filet, ...).
3) field image vertex(n1)vol(n2)=n3,kr,kv,kb,"n" defines the direction as the normal at vertex s of volume id.

field image vol(id)

        Returns the parameters of the field of type image associated at volume id.

field image(id)=num,kr,kv,kb,dx,dy,dz

       Changes these parameters.
1) In dynamic animation, if the volume id (or vertices s) is provided with a mass, each of the vertices s undergo a force field direction (dx, dy, dz) and amplitude (kr * r, k * v, kb * b), with (r,v,b) = pixel color of image num.
2) Volume id must be isomorphic to a grid(grid, ball, rev, geod, filet, ...).
3) field image vol(n1)=n2,kr,kv,kb,"n" defines the direction as the normal at each vertex of volume id.

field vertex

field vertex(s)vol(id)

        Returns the numbered fields associated at vertex s of volume id.

field vertex(n1)vol(n2)=c1,c2,...

        Changes these numbers.

field vol

field vol(id)

        Returns the number of fields influencing the volume id.

field vol(id)=n1,n2,...

        Change these numbers.
Note: in dynamic animation, volume id will undergo fields numbered volume n1,n2,...


Builds the field idf whose the centers are the vertices of volume idv.
near: the force applied at point p is these of the nearest vertex of the associated volume idv.

field vol vertex


Builds field id type vol vertex.
All vertices of volume id2 will be considered as central fields with properties of field id.
Useful for create a forces field the shape of a volume acting on a particles system.


field vol vol(id)

Returns the parametres of ´field vol´ property of volume id.

field vol vol(id)=v1,f1,d1,v2,f2,d2,...

Changes these parameters.
1) In dynamic animation, the vertices of volume id will be repelled by those of volumes vi by a force f between 0 and fi when the distance varies between di and 0.
2) Avoids collisions between the volume id and the volumes vi.
3) Vertices s must have masses.
4) fiis the order of 1 to 100, di is the order of 1.0 to 2.0
fi est de l´order de 1 a 100, di est de l´ordre de 1.0 a 2.0.
the more volume 1 is "thin" , more di bigger must be vi
the more vi is "fast", more fi bigger must be.

See also:

attach field vol
coe field
force field
law field
no field
yes field