Builds fog identificateur id
with parameters by default:
white color
linear variation law of z between(0,0,-500) and (0,0,500)
1) If a law is defined by:
law fog(id)=x1,y1,z1,...
it will be interpreted at display (if yes fog is active) as law of variation of the
y intensity of the fog (between 0 and 1) according to the standard position (between 0 and 1)
point displayed on the direction of the axis of the fog.
2) Otherwise the law will be uniforme by default.
3) If the direction of fog (fog axis) is absent, it will be (0.0, -500,0,0,500) default.
fog vol
fog zbuf vol(id)
Returns the property fog zbuf of volume id.
fog zbuf vol(id)=r,g,b,z1,z2
Changes this property.
fog(r,g,b)zbuf(z1,z2)exp(e)coe(c) will be applied only to volume id.
For dont applied this fog to others volumes do: fog(-1)zbuf(.
fog zbuf
fog zbuf
Returns the current parameters r,g,b,z1,z2,type,coe of fog zbuf.
Changes those parameters.
r,g,b,z1,z2 is the fog color (black default).
z1 is the start z value, z2 is the z end value (0,1000 default).
c: coefficient (0.5 default).
e=0: linear (default).
e=1: exponential, coefficient c.
e=2: exponential square , coefficient c.
fog zbuf exp is global, see fog zbuf vol to assign
a non exponential fog to a volume.
See also: