

Fractal coefficients
Blocks generated by the fractalisation
See also

frac fac vol

frac fac(f)vol(id)

        Returns the fractal coefficients of facets numbered f of volume id.

frac fac(f)vol(id)=n,cn,cx,cy,cz

        Changes these coefficients.

frac vol

frac vol(id)

        Returns the fractal coefficients of volume id.

frac vol(id)=n,cn,cx,cy,cz

        Changes these coefficients.

Fractal coefficients

       n: depth of recursion: every facet of 4 vertices is divided into four facets and this recursively.
              cn: according to the normal at facets.
              cx: according to x axis.
              cy: according to y axis.
              cz: according to z axis.
Si cn=cx=cy=cz=0: flat fractal.

Blocks generated by the fractalisation
The following blocks are automatically generated:
fac generate vol(id): facets of volume fractalised.
poi generate vol(id): points of volume fractalised.
normal vertex generate vol(id): normals at vertices of the volume fractalised.
near frac vol(id).
near frac vol(id): points generated by fractalisation (avoiding double existing points) {(n1, n2, n12)}:
       n1,n2,0: n2 is the copy of point n1 in original volume.
       n1,n2,n12: is the noised midpoint of points the n1 and n2 of the volume fractalised.
normal fac generate vol(id): normals at facets of the volume fractalised.

See also:

edit fac frac vol
edit poi frac vol
generate frac vol
near frac
no frac
yes frac