

See also

func collision

func collision vol(id)

        Returns the name of the collision detection algorithm of volume id.

func collision vol(id)=fac

        Forces the collision detection algorithm by facets.

func collision vol(id)=vertex

        Forces the collision detection algorithm by vertices.

func collision vol(id)=n

        Forces the collision detection algorithm by the function collision_utilisateur of file utilb.c (see file applicatiuons manual).

func fac

func fac vol(id)

        Returns the name of the function assigned to facets of volume id.

func fac vol(id)="foo"

nbsp;       Changes this name.
1) The function foo is executed whenever a facet is displayed.
2) Application example: If the function foo () handles the recording to a VCR, this command gives the animation of the displayed facets..

func fac(f) vol(id)

        Returns the name of the function assigned to the facetf of the volume id.

func fac(f) vol(id)="foo"

        Changes this name.
The function foo is executed whenever facet f is displayed.

func genetic

func genetic(id)

        Returns the name of the evaluation function of genetic id.

func genetic(id)="f"

        Change this name.
This function f is of the form:
x=standardized evaluation of the particle pp (between 0.0 and 1.0)
g = number of the evaluated genetic
num = number of individuals evaluated
p=value of the individual

func genetic(id)=num

        Changes the number of the evaluation function written in C in the func_genetic_utilisateur() function of file utilb.c).
validate particle(p) genetic(g)
        Evaluates the individual p in the population g in scale particle(p)genetic(g).

func neuron network

func neuron(n) network(id)

        Returns the transfert function of neuron n of neural network id.

func neuron(n) network(r)=f,k

        Changes this function.

func network

func(n) network(id)

       Returns the transfert function of neural network id.

func(n) network(id)=f,k

        Changes this function.
f = 0,k: Thresholding k.
f = 1,k: sigmoid function:
       OUT = 1 / (1 + exp(-k*IN))
f = n,c with n > 1: function written in C func_transf_network_utilisateur() of file utilb.c
f="a": a() is a function written in the anyflo language, of the forme:
OUT = calculus on IN;
5) All transfer functions are initialized to (0,0) by default.

See also:

interaction func