Like all linear transformations that command is in 2 modes:
direct and matrix.
hom obj
hom(c) obj(id)
Dilates by c object id with respect to its center of gravity.
poi(x,y,z)(id): dilates object id with respect to point (x,y,z).
vertex(s)(id): dilates vertices numbered s of object id.
Note: obj is fog, light, var, vol, view?
1) dila(1,1.5,2) vertex[1,5] vol(1,3): Dilates by (1,2,3) vertices (1,2,3,4,5) of
volumes 1 and 3 with respect to their center of gravity.
2) dila(1,1.5,2) var("x"): Dilates variable x by (1,1.5,2) with respect to its center of gravity.
hom matrix
hom matrix vol(id)
Returns matrix dilation coefficients of volume id.
hom(c)matrix vol(id)
Dilates volume id par modifying its matrix.
ini: treats the base transformation.