
Returns the current illumination coefficients

vertex        vol
See also


       Returns the current illumination coefficients:
       illum = 0: wire, illum = 1: flat, illum = 2: Gouraud, illum = 3: Phong
       ref = reflection coefficient (between 0 and 2)
       spe = specular (between 0 and 5).
       bri = brightness (between 0 and 10).
       transp = transparency (between 0 and 1 opaque completely transparent).


       Changes these coefficients.
scale illum allows to interactively choose these coefficients.

illum brush

illum brush(id)

Returns illum,t1,t2 illumination parameters of
brush id.

illum brush(id)=illum,t1,t2

        Changes these parameters.
       illum = 0: wire, illum = 1: full (default).
       t1=transparency at center, t2=transparency at edge (0: opaque, 1: transparent).

illum fac vol

illum fac(f)vol(id)

        Returns illumination parameters of facet f of volume id.

illum fac(f)vol(id)=c,i,s,b,t

        Changes these parameters.

illum vertex

illum vertex(s)vol(id)

        Returns illumination parameters of vertex s of volume id.

illum vertex(s)vol(id)=illum,ref,spe,bri,transp

        Changes these parameters.

illum vol

illum vol(id)

        Returns illumination parameters of volume id

illum vol(id)=illum,ref,spe,bri,transp

        Changes these parameters:
illum=0: wired display
illum=-5: x sections wired display
illum=1: flat
illum=2: Smoothing GOURAUD
illum=3: Smoothing PHONG
ref=ref = reflection coefficient (between 0 and 1): ratio of the reflected light to the incident light.
spe=specular (between 0 and 5). measuring the intensity of hight lights (between 0 and 100)
bri=brightness (between 0 and 200). measuring the spread of reflections (between 0 et 100: as close as greater bri is)
transp=transparency coefficient(between 0.0 and 1.0)
1) If illum = 0: wired display of the volume (hidden by other volumes if yes illum, is active)
2) If illum < 0: The normal is not oriented (useful when the normal facets are not consistent, for example, if the database from a modeler that does not orient the facets).
3) illum = +-3 (PHONG) is preferred in the following cases:
        When 'texture' (especially reflective) is assigned to the volume.
        When light is 'spot' type
4) A law W [alpha] can be defined by law illum vol=expr.
5) For transparency do: no behind not to display the rear facets and normal vol(id)=1 to avoid errors.
illum theft (1) = 2.1; smoothing GOURAUD without specular.
illum flight (1) = 3.1, .2, .1; smoothing PHONG with a specular gloss and very little spread (surface type plastic)
illum flight (1) = 3,1,10,20; smoothing with a specular PHONG very bright and very narrow (surface metal type)

See also:

no illum
yes illum