inside poi
inside poi(x,y)line(x1,y1, ,x2,y2, ...)
Returns 1 if the point (x, y) is inside the 2D line (x1, y1, x2, y2, ...),
otherwise returns 0. Returns NIL if error (eg line reduced to a point or a segment).
inside(3)poi(x,y,z)line(x1,y1,z1, ,x2,y2,z2, ...)
Returns 1 if the point (x, y,z) is inside the 3D line (x1,y1,z1, ,x2,y2,z2, ...),
otherwise returns 0. Returns NIL if error (eg line reduced to a point or a segment).
close(1): closes the line.
inside poi(x,y,z) vol(id)
Returns 1 if the point (x, y,z) is inside the volume id, otherwise returns NIL.
inside obj
inside obj(id) ball(g,r)
Returns the points numbers of the object id (type obj)
inside the ball center g and radius r.
inside vol(1) ball(10,20,30,100);
returns the points numbers of the volume 1
inside the ball center (10,20,30) and radius 100.
inside fog(1) ball(10,20,30,100);
returns the points numbers of the fog 1
inside the ball center (10,20,30) and radius 100.
inside obj(id1) obj(id2)
Returns the points numbers of object id1 inside object id2, and NIL if the two objects are disjoint.
inside vol(1) vol(2);
returns the points numbers of volume 1 inside volume 2.
inside light(1) vol(2);
returns the points numbers of light 1 inside volume 2.