
leader (root of a hierarchy)

Neural network
See also

Neural networks

lead network(id1)follow network(id2)

        defines the neural network id1 as leader of networks id2.
When evaluating the outputs of id1 which are passed as inputs of networks id2. We define a network of networks whose nodes are networks.
See an example in menuANC of file demo1_network.func.

lead network(id)

Returns the number of followers of the network id1.


lead(id1)object follow(id2)

Defines object id1 as leader of object id2.



        Defines volume id1 as leader of volume id2.
The point (x1,y1,z1) of id1 will be anchored to point (x2,y2,z2) of id2.


        Defines volume id1 as leader of volume id2.
The vertex v1 of id1 will be anchored to vertex v2 of id2.

lead abs vol(id)

        Returns the number of the volume root of the tree at which belongs the volume id.

lead vol(id)

        Returns the number of the leader of volume id.

lead vol(id)=num

        Changes this leader.

See also:

vertex lead vol
follow network
follow vol