Prints the message whose number is com of the environment env.
Notes: 1) Practically, simply add or modify the messages files
mesa.h (interpreter), mesb.h (anyflo) and
mesc.h (application)
2) If the message does not exist, the message "ILLEGAL MESSAGE env com" is issued.
Example: message(0,2); prints O0VERFLOW\7
Reads the messages file nnn. The message separator is the semicolon (;). This file is of the form:
/* comments */
;message 0;
;message 1
on several lines;
;message n-1;
Notes: 1) If nnn is of the form ; mes1; mes2; ... ab \ ncd; ..; this string will be considered the contents of the fictitious name nnn.
If nnn is of the form ;mes1;mes2;...;ab\ncd;..; this string will be considered as
the content of dummy file named nnn.
2) These messages, once declared, are permanent and can't be destroyed.
Returns the message num (between 0 and n-1)
Returns the submessage sous_num of message num (sou_num >= 0).
The submessage separator is |
If the string nnn contains at least one \n (enter):
Reads ths messages stack ;mes1;\n;mes2;
Returns the message whose number is num (between 0 and n-1).
message message(env,com)
Returns the content of the message whose number is com of the environment env.
Example: w=message message(0,71);$w; prints On continue(0,1) ? \7
Message read
Returns the message whose number is num (>= 0) of file fic.
Options: inclu("c"): c is the messages separator.
The file is of the form, with for example c = ;:
;First message
sur 2 lignes;
;This the
second message
on 3 lines;
Message var
Returns the message whose number is num of variable named V, structured as file fic.