2 level

2 level: advanced

Interpreter mode
Interaction mode
Program mode
C or C++ program
To know more

Interpreter mode

     Instead of launching a java script running automatically a function, you can run: anyflo_video.js or anyflo_ful.js launching anyflo in interpreter mode.
focus on the text window.
     A ? (question mark) means that the interpreter waits for a command line. See the language manual.

Interaction mode

     To switch interaction simply write:
     To cause an interruption right click, then -> interpreteur: the interpreter takes control and awaits a command line. To keep the interpreter on several lines, complete each line with input;
To return to interpreter:
     Press the key Esc, then do the focus.
     Or right click and choose clavier in the menu.
With option interaction see a dialog text window appears in the image.

Program mode

     For interactive programmed operation just write functions calling mode interaction (see demo interaction and manuel langage).
Very useful for building interactive installations, graphic demonstrations, speeches, etc. ..
     To write important applications perform as a classical language (such as C):
          1) Write several limited sizes files containing some functions, eg:
               main file: fic1.func containing functions f1_1(), f1_2(), ...
               others files: fic2.func containing functions f2_1(), f2_2(), ...
               fic3.func etc..
          2) Use the include directive in the first file:
#include fic2.func
#include fic3.func etc..
          3) The main function (equivalent tomain C) will be called first then the first F1_1 function () of the main file.
          4) External, local, static variables can be handled (as in C).
          5) Memory reservation: malloc, calloc (as in C), memory, ...
An example is given in the function demo0_include.func that uses files:
include0_2.func 0

C or C++ program

     It is possible to translate, enhance or supplement the anyflo vocabulary, it is also possible to define new functionalities written directly in C or C + +. This is a good method to optimize the computation time (especially for real time) that first develope algorithms in language anyflo (flexible and powerful) and, when you are satisfied with the operation translate into C and recompile anyflo (this is also the way I proceed to develop this software).

To know more

Niveau 3: programmer manual.