Objects are referenced by an identifier (number or a name) assigned
at creation. To change this query object or simply invoke this identifier
To change or query this object just invoke this identifier.
creates the cube side 200 and name A.
col vol(2)=1,.7,.5;
assigns orange colr to volume number 2.
normal vertex(3)vol(7);
returns the vertex 3 normal of volume 7.
number animate
number animate
Returns the number of the current image of an animation.
number animate=n
Changes this number.
Note: must be in the interval [1,dim animate].
number audio
number audio directory("dir")
Returns the numbers associated with the
audio read directory("dir").
number fac
number fac displ
Returns the number of the facet currently displayed
(useful for thz command func fac).
number interpol
number interpol vol(id)
Returns the counter value of the function interpol(ni) vol(num)
between 1 (1st image) and ni (last image).
Useful to test the end of interpol vol.
number lead
Returns the number of the absolute leaders (roots of the anchor trees).
number memory
number memory
Returns the number of all the memories.
number memory("nnn")
Returns the number of the memory name nnn.
number memory(num1)=num2
Changes the number of the memory num1. num1 and num2 may be indeferently numbers or strings.
See also: name memory.
number local
Returns the identifier of object whose a local function is currently executed.
((useful for the command local vol)
number vertex displ
Returns the number of the vertex currently displayed.
number vol
number vol displ
Returns tehe number of the volume currently displayed.
See also: