The philosophy
Starting from assembler code the primitive idea was writting a
general langage not made firm so it can continiously evolve and
integrate new ideas and new features. For example the
dynamic structures and the
local functions allow an easy
implementation of neural networks,
genetic algorithms, and
genetic programation.
The beginnings
Years 1975-1980
Development intel 8000 assembler and macro11 interactive programs on the graphic processor COLORIX developed by Louis Audoire
Department of Computer niversity Paris8 (Vincennes). Implementation of graphics libraries (pulcol) and real time programs (anacol) animation.
Early implementation of mini interpreted languages ??from a graphic rablette input.
Years 1980-1984
Development in symbolic language education (LSE), assembler and Fortran programs macro11 animation definition of
From 1986
Loss of time driven by the need to adapt to new machines, new systems and new languages (assembler, LSE, Fortran, Algol, Algol68, C, C + +),
rewriting programs becoming increasingly difficult and time-as the size of the code (currently about one million lines) increased,
prompted me to devote part of my time writing a general system independent of hardware and software: it was anyflo.
Originally built around a command line interpreter he became, during its development, a true language pseudocompiled
whose execution speed allows me to build very quickly, even today, real-time interactive installations.
It integrated concepts that do not exist (such as programmatiuon type object) in the form of structures simultaneously including datas and code,
it does not reduce to a pointer to a function but is rather the parallel execution of a program sharing its data with other processes,
which constituted a population of actors. All this of course has been designed with my technical skills necessarily limited and slow machines
(clocked kHz), so that the real time could only be simulated. But all the conditions were met to drive the system to current developments in the fields
of life and artificial intelligence (neural networks, genetic algorithms, adaptive systems).
Having developed these ideas alone and in advance is an artistic approach but lack the efficiency and visibility of a collective work.
If I now regret not having been able to find, within the University, the conditions for scientific research, at least I am well aware
that the freedom I was left enabled me to carry out a search at the border of art and science.
anyflo is written in anyflo
Anyflo language allows an idea to be implemented very quickly, and that's what I'm using to develop:
when the simulation in this language of a new feature works well, ie when very many interactive tests are satisfactory,
I translate it in C + + and integrates with the code.
It is often faster to programmaticaly simulate command
lines (in anyflo language) than to write the corresponding code
in C++.
Interactive installations
Rather to provide a black box whoce opacity only maintains a
rather unhealthy mystification, anyflo langage (easily usable by
artists) allows to build open works (including sources and
documentation) accessible
The Feather(1986)
I developed la Plume (the feather) in 1986, with Marie Hélène Tramus and Edmond Couchot.
The Dandelion (1988)
I developed the installation Le Pissenlit (the dandelion) in 1988 on an idea by Edmond Couchot.
The Tightrope Walker (2000)
I developed in 2000, with Marie Hélène Tramus, the installation La Funambule (the tightrope walker).
The program uses quite a number of modules:
1) Building a body from ideas developed in such:
Méthode comportementale de modélisation et d´animation du corps humain
Corps vivants virtuels
La funambule virtuelle
2) Building neural networks, see for example:
Cours sur le connexionnisme
Méthodes d´optimisation en création artistique
3) Dynamic animation:
Dynamic in anyflo
3) Real time.
Interaction in anyflo
Dance With Me (2001)
I developed, with Marie Hélène Tramus,
Danse avec moi (dance with me)
who is a dancer interacting freely with the audience through various sensors (audio, polhemus, intertrax, kroonde, camera).
The Artauphone(2004)
I developed, with Marie Hélène Tramus, the Artauphone
which translates into images a voice reading poems.
The Virtual Dancer (2004)
I developed still anyflo language many art installations and educational tools featuring dancers and interactive virtual
autonomous that are following the tightrope walker:
Virtual Dancer
The mime connexionnist
Examples en C++
There is no question of producing a million lines anyflo, totally unusable, here, for example,
the code for the interface with the C language: utilb.c
More information in programmer manual