Returns the radius value..
1) This is the radius of the disks displayed to the vertices of volumes for the command
displ vertex vol
2) It is also of the commands sphere vol and
deformation vol
Changes this value.
radius(x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2, ...)
Returns the radius of the 3D polygonal line (x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2, ...).
radius brush(id)
Returns the dimensions of
brush id according to its type:
disk: radius x and y of an elliptical brush.
image: dimensions x and y of the image.
smooth: side of the smoothing window.
average: side of the average window.
rectangle: dimensions x and y.
radius brush(id)=rx,ry
Changes these dimensions.
Note: If the brush id is of type image it is reset if the dimensions change.
radius dist
radius dist vol(id)
Returns the automatically computated radius of particles (or vol vol)
of volume id when this volume has been built with
generate particle image(id0)vol(id1)vol(id).
radius dist vol(id)=r
assigns this value.
c,m: r=coefficient, m = maximum (1 by default).
for each point p of volume id, if a = average distance of p with its
neighbours, the radius of the particle displayed at this point is c * a.
Example: radius dist vol(id)=.4,1.25;
radius fac
radius fac(num)vol(id)
Returns the radius of facet num of the volume id.
radius fac(num) vol(id)=r
Force points facet num of the volume id has to be internal to the sphere center itsof gravity and radius r.
radius image
See image radius.
radius line
radius line(p)
Returns the centet and the radius of curvature of the curve p{0,2} (first 3 points of the 3D curve p).
Returns NIL in case of zero curvature.
number(num): Returns the centet and the radius of curvature of the curve p{num-2,num-1,num}
(num=1 by default).
radius vertex
radius vertex(s) var("x")
Returns the radius of the vertices s of the variable x.
radius vertex(s) var("x")=r
Forces vertices s of variable x to be on the sphere with center the center of gravity and of radius r.
radius vertex(s)vol(id)
Returns the radius of vertices s of volume id
radius vertex(s) vol(id)=r
Forces vertices s of volume id to be on the sphere with center the center of gravity and of radius r.
radius tran
radius tran vol(id)
Returns the center and radius of curvature of the displacement trajectory of the volume id.
1) yes radius must be active.
2) Used by adjust vol law (power law 1/3).
radius traj tran number(num)vol(id)
Returns the center and radius of curvature of the curve at point num of the displacement trajectory of the volume id.
radius var
radius var("x")
Returns the radius of the variable name x.
radius var("x")=r
Forces points of variable x to be on the sphere with center the center of gravity and of radius r.
radius near
radius near vertex(s)vol(id)
Returns the average distance from vertex s volume id to its neighbours.
radius near vertex(s) vol(id)=r
Changes this distance.
generate radius near vertex vol(id);
generates these average distances.
radius vol
radius vol(id)
Returns the radius of the ball including the volume id and centered
at the center of gravity.
radius vol(id)=r
Forces points of volume id to be on the sphere with center the center of gravity and of radius r.
See also: