rem displ
rem displ vol(id)
Removes the
rel time informations of the volume id (all volumes by default).
This information will also be deleted by rem propr
for all propriétées involving a real-time display.
There may be some features generated mode interaction,
are not taken into account, rem displ vol allows regeneration to the next display.
rem alea
rem alea ext vol(id)
Removes the random on the volume id extension.
rem anc
rem anc obj(id)
Removes the anchor volume id (ie deletes the reference in its leader,
the reference of its leader, the two lead blocks vertex lead and
vertex follow) and references in the block real time.
rem attach
rem attach obj(id)
Supprime toutes les propriétés attach de l´object id
de type obj.
rem attach com1 com2 ... obj(id)
Removes all properties attach com1 com2 ... obj(id) of the object id of type obj.
rem attach(num)obj(id)
Removes the property numbered num of the attach block of the object id.
1) num blocks addresses deleted are free (they are marked by free by edit attach).
2) Such an address num can be occupied by:
attach(num)com1 com2 ... vol(id);
rem fac
rem fac(f) obj(id)
Removes the facet f of the object
obj id;
1) Equivalent to validate fac(num) obj(id)=-1
2) This facet may be found again by validate fac(num) obj(id)
3) rem fac obj(id): returns the numbers of the deleted facets of the object id.
rem close fac(f) obj(id)
Removes the parameter closure of the facet f of the object id.
rem hole
rem hole fac(f) vol(id)
Supprime les trous sur les facettes f (toutes par défaut) des volumes id.
rem interaction
rem interaction time
Deletes real time informations for all volumes.
rem interaction time vol(id)
Deletes those informations for volume id.
rem law light(id)
Removes the associated law to the light id.
rem law
rem law light(id)
Removes the associated law to the light id.
rem law network(id)
Removes the laws of network(id).
rem law(num)network(id)
Removes only the law num.
rem local obj(id)
Removes all local functions locales of ethe object
obj id.
rem local(n) obj(id)
removes the local function n of the object id.
rem memory
rem memory(id)
Removes the memory id.
rem memory(n) obj(id)
Removes the memory n of the
object id of type obj.
rem memory obj(id)
Removes all memories of the object id.
rem message
rem message(id)
Removes the message id.
validate message(id)=0: inhibits the message id without remove it.
validate message(id)=1: activates again the message id.
rem law
rem motif network(id)
Removes the motifs of network(id).
rem motif(num)network(id)
Removes only the motif num.
rem obj
rem obj(id)
Removes the
standard object id, except those of type
rem obj
Removes all objects type obj (like ini obj).
rem fog(1)
Removes the fog 1.
rem genetic("g")
Removes the genetic name "g".
rem brush(1,3)
Removes the brushes numeberd 1 and 3.
rem vol(1,2,3)
Removes the volumes numbered 1,2,3.
rem object
rem object(id)type("t")
Removes the object id of type t.
rem poi
rem poi(p) vol(id)
Removes the points numbered p of volume id.
1) The points p are physically removed from the database.
2) The facets are renumbered accordingly.
3) If the volume id was a grid, it loses this property.
rem period
rem period menu
Removes the periods of all the menus.
rem period menu"MEN")menu("FONC")
Deletes the period of the FONC menu box MEN (equivalent to
period menu("MEN")menu("FONC")=0
rem propriété
rem propr vol(id)
Removes the propr property of thr object id of type obj.
rem illum vol(1);
removes the illum parameters
of volume 1.
rem col light(1)
; removes the color of the light 1.
rem propr1 propr2 ... vol(id)
remove the multiple property propr1 propr2 ... of the object id of type obj.
rem col fac vol(1);
removes the colors of the facets of volume 1.
rem col vertex vol(1);
removes the colors of vertices of volume 1.
rem texture
rem texture validate vol(id)
Removes property texture validate of volume id.
rem traj
rem traj vol(id)
Removes all associated trajectories to volume id.
rem traj vertex vol(id)
Removes all associated trajectories to vertices of volume id.
rem traj type vol(id)
Removes the associated trajectories of type type to the volume id.
type is axis tran dila dilx dily dilz hom rota rotx roty rotz.
without id remove trajectories of all volumes.
rem traj view(id)
Removes all trajectories associated to the view id.
rem traj foc view(id)
Removes the associated trajectories to the focal of the view id.
rem traj aim view(id)
Removes the associated trajectories to the aim direction of the view id.
rem traj eye view(id)
Removes the associated trajectories to the eye of the view id.
rem traj roll view(id)
Removes the associated trajectories to rhe roull of the view id.
rem win
rem win("fff")
Removes the window "fff".