Anyflo starts displaying two windows by default:
A graphic window.
A textual window.
The first can hide the second .
There are 3 ways to go then lines keyboard commands:
Simultaneously press the Alt and Tab keys and then click the icon anyflo.exe.
By precede ! the typed text
But there is no echo characters (can be used for simple commands interaction).
Launching the interaction option see
A window appears and all keystrokes are recorded and all information normally supplied in the text window.
It consists of a top bar containing:
A dash to reduce it to a small bar at the top right of the screen.
A vertical bar to reset it to its default values.
A square to view it full screen.
A red cross to exit the see.
Clicking in the corners and edges can resize it.
By clicking in the top bar it can translate.
Or interpreter mode, making interaction see.
A number of commands are used to check the settings:
frame see frame color.
col see text color.
dim see to resize.
ini see to reinitialize.
no see to remove.
yes see to find again.
poi see corners.
validate see=1 displays the see bar to validate.
rectangle see to rectangle color.
text see textual content.
to clear the window can be for example:
text see=""
history can view and replay command lines.
A menu it is advisable to put an entry SEE associated with the function:
inv status see;
to display or no the dialog window.
Égalemment can put an entry EMPTY associated with the function:
text see="";
permettant de vider la fenêtre de dialogue.
Example in file demo1_see.func.
1) In such a way the characters can not be read by
interaction ascii.
2) This window has the hand continuously, even during an automatic animation,
it is possible to intervene in parallel by typing commands, eg no interaction exits the interaction mode.
see axis
Shows volumnes id full screen with an eye on the axis (dx,dy,dz).
see behind
see behind vol(id)
Shows volumnes id full screen back equivalent to see axis(0,0,-1)vol(id).
see below
see below vol(id)
Shows the volume id full screen below, equivalent to see axis(0,1,0)vol(id).
see above
see above vol(id)
Shows the volume id full screen top, equivalent to see axis(0,-1,0)vol(id).
see front
see front vol(id)
Shows the volume id full face screen, equivalent to see axis(0,0,-1)vol(id).
see right
see right vol(id)
Shows the volume id full screen on the right, equivalent to see axis(1,0,0)vol(id).
see left
see left vol(id)
Shows the volume id full screen on the left, equivalent to see axis(-1,0,0)vol(id).
Note: All volumes by default.
See also