Builds the object sphere normalized of type ball
with the same options.
1) By default this object is inhibited, to activate it do validate sphere=1.
2) To display it, off interaction, do displ sphere.
sphere image
sphere image
/*??? A FAIRE ???*/
Rend l´image courante sphériques
Rend l´image id sphériques
Remarque:: utile pour les mappes de réflexion (voir texture)
Pour un mapping de réflexion (see la commande ´texture´):
1) Créer ou read une image dans l´image n
2) Apply command sphere to this image
3) Déclarer des mappes de réflexion de numéro n dans des volumes
4) Faire: yes illum;yes texture;displ vol
sphere vol
sphere vertex(s)vol(id)
Returns the spheres radius associated to vertex s of volume id.
sphere vol
the points of the volume id which are interior to the sphere center (x, y, z) and radius r, are brought on this sphere.
vertex(s): only vertices s.
c>=0 the points inside the sphere are brought on it (default).
c=-1 the points outside the sphere are brought on it.
the points of the volume id which are interior to the ellipsoid centers (x1, y1, z1), (x2,y2,z2) and radius r,
are brought on this ellipsoid.
See also: