Returns the transp value.
Changes this value.
1) t=1: transparency varies from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque): by default.
2) t=0: transparency varies from 0 (opaque) to 1 (transparent).
3) yes transp must be activated.
transp dist
transp dist(c1,c2)vol(num,nb)poi(x,y,z)
Computes transparencies of volumes [num,num+nb[ as (d-d1)/(d2-d1), where
d1 = c1 * d0; d2 = c2 * d0; d0 = dist vol(num)poi((x,y,z)
transp dist(c1,c2)vol(num,nb)eye
Same with (x,y,z)=eye.
transp image
transp image(id)
Returns the alpha layer of the image id, equivalent to
average: returns the average of the alpha layer of the image id.
transp image(id)=t
Changes the alpha layer of the image id by creating a transparency from 1 (totaly transparent)
to 0 (totaly opaque) according to options.
Equivalent to image(id)format("A")=T, with:
nx and ny are the image dimensions.
abs: dont change transparency of pixels totally transparent.
transp image(id)center(x,y)=t1,t2: transparency from t1 (point x,y) to t2 (edge).
cut(t0): does not modify pixels whose alpha is t0.
below: transparency from 0 to t on the upper half of the image.
above: transparency from 0 to t on the lower half of the image.
right: transparency from 0 to t on the right half of the image.
left: transparency from 0 to t on the left half of the image.
normal: the center coordinates are normalized between 0.0 and 1.0.
transp image(1)cut(0)=t;
changes the transparency of pixels which are not completly
transparent, this allows for example to change the transparency of an image after extraction by
1) yes transp must be activated.
2) t=0: total transparency (default), t=1: opaque.
3) graphic("glBlendFunc(GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)")
t=0: total transparency, t=1: opaque.
4) graphic("glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA)")
t=0: opaque, t=1: total transparency.
To vary the transparency see image transp.
Same options as image transp.
transp brush(id)
Returns the transparencies t1 (center) et t2 (edge) of brush id.
transp brush(id)=t1,t2
Modifies these transparencies.
transp secx
transp secx vol(id)
The transparencies of all secx vertices of volume id are interpolated
between 0.0 and 1.0.
transp(t1,t1): between t1 and t2.
secx(s1,s2): between secx s1 and s2.
transp secy
transp secy vol(id)
The transparencies of all secy vertices of volume id are interpolated
between 0.0 and 1.0.
transp(t1,t1): between t1 and t2.
secy(s1,s2): between secy s1 and s2.
transp vertex
transp vertex vol(id)
The transparencies of all vertices of volume id are interpolated
between 0.0 and 1.0.
transp(t1,t1): between t1 and t2.
vertex(s1,s2): between vertices s1 and s2.
transp texture
transp texture vol(id)
Returns the property transp texture of volume id.
transp texture vol(id)=t1,t2,...,tn
Changes this property.
if multiple textures are defined on volume id by
texture vol(id)=t1,t2,...,tn, tti is the
transparency associated to the texture ti (1:n by default).
see coe transp texture for varying the transparencies.
transp texture fac(num)vol(id)
Returns the property transp texture of facet num of volume id.
transp texture fac(num)vol(id)=t1,t2,...,tn
Changes this property.
transp vol
transp vol(id)
Returns the 4th transparency component of illum vol(id).
transp vol(id)=t
Changes this value.
See also: