The command write alows save anyflo objects on the disk.
The file name search is made:
1) in the current folder (from which is launched anyflo, typically distribution).
2) in the datas base folder (typically ima).
3) in the environment folder (typically env).
By default a file with same name is erased.
To protect write file do: no write.
write(expr) name("foo")
Saves the evaluation of expr in file foo.
write(expr) name("foo") add
Adds expr after the file foo.
File search takes place in order:
First in the datas base folder (directory "ima")
Then in the environment folder (directory "env")
Finaly in the folder containing the executable of anyflo.
See alsowrite format.
write alias
write alias("nnn")
Saves the alias in the file nnn.ali
write ascii
write(expr) ascii(n)name("foo")
Saves expr (floats) in the ascii file foo by lines of n floats
(n=1 default).
read("foo") returns the string.
write compile
write compile("nnn")
Saves all functions in the file nnn.func and their compilation
in the filz nnn.comp
write func
write func "fff"
Saves all the functions in the file fff.func
write func "ff1,ff2"
Saves the function ff1 in the file ff2.func
write format
Writes expression x as a a characteres string in file nnn.
Writes expression x as shorts in file nnn.
Writes expression x as longs in file nnn.
Writes expression x as floats in file nnn.
Writes expression x as doubles in file nnn.
It will be necessary to kno the type of such files to read them by
read name("name")format("fff").
write(x)format("anyflo") name("nnn")
Writes expression x as anyflo format in file nnn:
[dim,type,np,dimp] [datas]
dim=size (32 bits).
type=datas type:
type=A_CHAR: datas=characteres
type=A_SHORT: datas=shorts
type=A_LONG: datas=longs
type=A_FLOAT: datas=floats
type=A_HYBRIDE: Datas=blocks list of previous type.
np=number of vectors
dimp=size of the vectots (0 for an HYBRIDE block).
[datas] = datas block or such blocks list for na HYBRIDE type.
write history
write history("nnn")
Saves the memorized commands by history in the file nnn.his
write type
write type("nnn")
Saves the types in the file nnn.type
unformated write
The datas type of expression x is automatically used to write the
file nnn.
Such a file can simply be read by: w=read("nnn");
prints abc
prints 1,2,3
write var
write var("nnn")
Saves all the external variables in the file nnn.var
write var("x") name( "nnn")
Saves the variable x in the file nnn.var
See also: