writes on the disk
write alea
write alea("nnn")
Saves the current random array in the file nnn.alea
write audio
write audio name("nnn")
Opens file nnn in write mode, returns -1 if error.
Writes float vector v in file nnn, returns -1 if error.
See also:
end write audio to close the file.
read audio
write audio image(id)name("NNN.wav")
Writes sum of all audio transf image(id) in file NNN.wav.
audio audio(num): builds audio num (-12345 default).
average: average of audiuos (recommanded).
coe(c): multiplier of the amplitude.
envelope(0,y1,0, x2,y2,0, ..., 1,yn,0): sets a wave form on 1/25 second
acording to the law (0,y1,0, x2,y2,0, ..., 1,yn,0).
envelope(0,0,0, .01,1,0, .1,1,0, .5,.25,0, 1,0,0)
interpol: frequencies interpolation.
law(0,y1,0, x2,y2,0, ..., 1,yn,0): apply law
(0,y1,0, x2,y2,0, ..., 1,yn,0) to the resulting audio.
law(n,"default"): apply default law n times.
speed: using speed win
property of image id as wave form coefficient if
audio win(nb)image(id)dim(d)
has been invoked with option speed in order to build an audio from a neural network.
write audio image(id1)vol(id2)name("NNN.wav")
Writes sum of all audio transf image(id1) and
sum of all audio transf image(id2) in file NNN.wav.
dila(d): multiplier of frequencies.
write audio vol(id)name("NNN.wav")
Writes sum of all audio transf vol(id) in file NNN.wav.
write audio transf vol name("NNN.wav")audio(id): builds audio number id
(-12345 defautl).
adjust(n): adjustment algorithm with n parameter.
alea: if nb audio exceeds the option time meta number,
time and meta are randomly choosen (reproductible).
average: average sum.
clean(d1,d2): does clean limit(d1,d2)audio(nb)
on the resulting audio nb before writting it.
freacute;quency *= c0; module *= c1; phase *= c2;
dist(c): smooth audio(id)dist(c).
interpol: interpol algorithm.
limit(v): in interval [-v,v].
line: linear algorithm.
module(d): d * amplitude.
number(c,s): c = channel number (1,2), s =
data size ( 8,16).
period(p1,p2,...): note rate with option time meta.
rand: if nb audio exceeds the option time meta number,
time and meta are randomly choosen (not reproductible).
time(t1,t2,...)meta(m1,m2,...): defining note by
audio time module.
rem(-1): dont destroye the intermediate audios.
write audio(id)name("NNN.wav")
Writes audio id in file NNN.wav
audio(id1,id2,...,idn)stock name("MMM"): writes memory MMM size np*dimp*n
where np is the common number of points of blocks stock of audios idi,
dimp=2 and n is the number of audios. Such a memory can been read by
read memory name("MMM"), then
poi(num)memory("MMM")memory(m) is the point num of block stock of
audio m (usefull for multi captation of sensors).
coe(c1,c2): multipliers of frequencies and amplitudes.
coe(c1,c2,c3): c1*=c3 for audio tran vol or
audio speed tran vol (because tran variations are much larger than
those of audio rota, choose c3 < 1, 0.5 default).
write audio(id)name("NNN")stock(s)
Writes audio id in file NNN as average of samples of s seconds
(floats between 0.0 and 1.0).
read it with: read name(NNN)format("float")
average(a): as average of samples of a seconds in s seconds
(0 > a > s).
max: as maximums of the signal on s seconds.
write audio(id)name("NNN")stock(1/25);
writes the averages of the
signal every 1/25 second.
write displ
write displ "nnn"
Writes the ASCII file nnn.displ of light-vol-view.
write graphic
write graphic("nnn")
Saves in file nnn all image ready for play graphic.
write graphic("nnn") image(im1,im2)
Gare dans le fichier nnn les images [im1,im2] prêtes pour ´play graphic´
write graphic("nnn") numweo(n1,n2,...)
Gare dans le fichier nnn les images (n1,n2,...) prêtes pour ´play graphic´
write image
write image name("nnn.eee")
Saves the current image in the file nnn.eee with extension eee.
Associate the character g to write image name ("nnn.bmp") by:
interaction ascii("g")write image name("nnn.bmp")
dim(dimx,dimy): makes a convolution to dimensions (dimx,dimy)
(dimx=dimy=0 default: no convolution).
Note: if image id is of type 3D, its dimensions will be changed,
better make:
image(id,id2)dim(dimx,dimy);write image(id2)name("...");
image(id): writes the image identifier id.
Writes also parameter nt (for interaction meta).
win(x1,y1,x2,y2): writes the window (x1,y1,x2,y2) in image coordinates
(origin bottom left, y upwardly (0,0, X, Y default window full screen dimension of X, Y).
format("XYZ"): writes according to the format "XYZ", where XYZ is a permutation of
RGB ("BGR" default).
compressed images of extension flo.
normal: the coordinates are normalized (between 0 and 1).
number(num): indexes the name with num.
number("nD",num): indexes the name with num (written with n digits).
(n=4 default).
Example: write image name("zorba.jpg")number("4D",15)win(-300,-200,300,200);
Saves the image window (-300,-200,300,200) in the file zorba0015.jpg.
With yes edit (default) the file name is displayed
at the lower-left corner (This can be annoying with
no screen, to delete it do: no edit).
write image(id)cut(nx,ny)name("N.ext")
Saves image id (current image by default) by cutting in a checkerboard nx by ny boxes
under the name Ni, j, i in [0, nx-1], j in [0, ny-1] with the options.
write speed vol
write speed vol("name") number(n1,n2) dynamic(n)
Genere les vitesses des sommets des volumes des fichiers name[n1+1,n2]
par: vit(i)=(poi(i)-poi(i-1))/n
write speed vol("name") number(n1,n2) dynamic(n) format(f)
Les fichiers sont compressés
write ascii speed vol("name") number(n1,n2) dynamic(n)
Les fichiers sont ASCII
write obj
write obj name("nnn")
Saves all objects in the file nnn.obj, with:
obj=fog for the fogs.
obj=field for the fields.
obj=genetic for the genetivs.
obj=image: for the images according to their
obj=law for the laws.
obj=light for the lights.
obj=memory for the memories.
obj=menu for the menus.
obj=object for the objets.
obj=network for the neural networks.
obj=vol for the volumes.
obj=view or the views.
Note: these extensions are fixed and do not depend on language (name of the command in English),
which allows files to be universal.
poi(n): save only the points [1,n] of object.
property is not saved, so
it is necessary make generate simple vol in order
to generate informations relative to simple feature.
property is not saved.
write vol(1,2,3) name("volumes");
Saves the volume number 1,2,3 in the file volumes.vol.
write(1) vol("name");
Saves any properties of volumes in file name.vol
write max vol("name")
Also saves the properties normal, near, segment
write dynamic vol("name")
Dont write the dynamic properties (speed, force, spring, mass, ...)
write simple vol("name")
Only writes the properties poi, fac, time vertex for the
volumes of type particle).
write simple("short") vol("name")
Only writes the properties poi, fac in shorts (producing some errors
for coordinates < 1000 or > 32000).
See also:
write format("Z") vol("name")
write zbuf
write zbuf("nnn")
Saves the current z_buffer in the file nnn.zbuf
The z-buffer type (16 ou 32 bits) as well as the image dimensions
are stored in the file and can be found in read zbuf.
write(1): compressed format.
write(2): saves the z-buffer in the non formated file nnn.zbuf.
1) write type1 type2 ... typen "nnn"
Saves the objects of types type1, type2, ..., typen of generic names nnn
write vol view "foo";
Saves the volumes in file foo.vol and the lights in the file foo.view
3) write ascii type "nnn"
Saves the objects type in the ascii file nnn.type
See also: