
below        brush
See also

close below

close below vol(id)

       Adds a lower facet to volume id, if it is isomorphic to a grid (ball, net, geodesic, grid, prism, rev).

close above

close above vol(id)

        Adds a higher facet to volume id, if it is isomorphic to a grid (ball, net, geodesic, grid, prism, rev).

close fac

close fac(f)vol(id)

        Returns the closing parameter of facette f-number of volume id.

close fac(num) vol(id)=f

        Change this parameter:
f = 1: facet closed (by default).
f = 0: facette open.
Note: in the latter case the facet will be displayed open if no illum is active.

close image

close image(id)

        Returns the internal number ind returned by glGenTextures((GLsizei) 1, &ind).

close image(id)=0

        Inhibits the texture associated to image id.
Note: close image(id)=v; is illegal if v != 0.

close light

close light(id)

        Returns the closing parameter of light id.

close light(id)=num

        Change this parameter.
1) This function is only active if the display type is 2 (IN DEVELOPMENT).
2) if (f > 0) light id will be treated according to the function light_utilisateur file utilb.c
3) To use this type of light it is necessary to edit the file utilb.c and link anyflo (utilb.c, and objects are in the makefile directory environment).

close brush

close brush(id)

Returns the parameter "close" of
brush id.

close brush(id)=f

Change this parameter:
       f=0: brush associated with mouse (default).
       f=1: brush associted to the commande poi brush(id)=x,y which modifies the position.

close vol

close vol(id)

        Returns the parameter "close" of volume id, meaning for surfaces of type geodesic, revolution, pipe.

See also:

no close
yes close