
         This process allows to replace facets of a volume by another volume.
         For this we define a pattern in a cube of side 256 whose base is in the plane (xy) and whose axis is Oz. It is best to give it a negative number num, eg -1 (to distinguish it from a volume viewable).
         Then assigns this number to volume id:
motif vol(id)=num;
In yes motif, each facet will be replaced with volume num mapped in the oblique coordinate system whose base is this facet (assumed quadrilateral) and the height of which is the normal to the facet.
         1) Must be yes motif for activate the motifs.
         2) Command: coe normal fac(f)vol(id)=cx,cy,cz can change the normal to the facet f of volume id by multiplying it by (cx, cy, cz), so it can orientate a same motif in different ways on the facets of volume id.

Motif on volume

>motif vol(id)=n1,n2,... assigns the motifs n1,n2,... to all facets of volume id.

Motif sur des facettes

         Motifs can be assigned to facets by:
         motif fac(f) vol(id)=n3,n4,...
         motif fac[1,4]vol 1=-1: Assignes motif -1 to facets 1,2,3,4 of volume 1.

Motif on vertices

         Motifs can be assigned to vertices of a volume:
motif vertex(s)vol(id)=v: at vertices n1 of volume n2 will be displayed volume n3 sso that its x-axis coincides with the normal to this vertex.
         1) without, every vertices are processed
         2) command ´coe normal vertex´ allows modulate the size of the motifs
Example: coe normal vertex[1,4]vol 1=1,2,1: Dilates by 2 to y the motif displayed at tve vertices 1,2,3 and 4 of volume 1
         3) command light motif vol allows assigning to motifs the illumination of vertices.